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Point of Interests

There are a lot many spots of tourist interest in Bandhavgarh, some of which are:

Siddha Baba: The Divine Meadow.

Famous for good sightings of wild animals especially Sambhar and Chital it is a marshy meadow at the merger of hills, grassland and riparian zone creating an edge.

Chakradhara: The Extensive Meadow.

Chakradhara is also a marshy meadow which is surrounded by the hillocks and is rich in both flora & fauna. Flourishing ferns, availability of food, water and cover makes it an ideal place for the sighting of Tigers and other wild animals.

Gopalpur: A place for Bird watching.

Approach with a slow drive may give moments of memorable sighting of avian fauna like Kingfishers, Storks, lapwings & Stilts.

Sheshshaya: Origin of River Charanganga.

The statue of Lord Vishnu, the preserver, reclining on the seven-hooded serpent dating back to 10th century AD, is the classic example of the architectural treasure of the past. The vicinity around is rich in fruit bearing trees. The life line of the park is well named as Charanganga as this river originates and flows through the feet, charan of Lord Vishnu. A species of cane is present on the slopes of Bandhavgarh hillock at Sheshshayya.

Bari Gupha: Ancient Monument of Past.

This is the biggest man made cave of the Park dating back to 10th century A.D. Apart from its archaeological importance this cave is the abode of a variety of bats.

Ketkiha: Pendanus Point.

This wet patch of aromatic plant "Pendanus" (Kewra) in the shadow of lofty Jamun and Arjun trees is the real treasure of floristic wealth of the Reserve.

Bhitari Bah: Tranquility in Wilderness.

A drive along the meadow induces thrills of jungle. An important medicinal plant Buch (Achorus Calamus) is found here.

Three Cave Point: The Archeological Remains.,

These caves, visible from Ganesh hillock road, are the mute testimony of rich historical past. Wild animals for shelter especially “Sloth Bear” now use these caves.

Sita Mandap: Nature’s creation.

This rock intact over a stream in the shape of a bridge, gives an impression of a "Mandap" (arch). The famous tigress "Sita" got her name after this place.

Rampur Hillock: Also called Photographer’s point.

Panoramic view of undulating terrain of the Tiger Reserve is clear from this point. Photographers may capture the sylvan beauty of Sal and Bamboo forests.

Andhyari Jhiriya: Sparkling Stream in Darkness.

Crowned by lofty Mango, Arjun and Saptaparni (Alstonia Scholaris) trees, this stream gives a feeling of awesome wilderness.

Rajbehra: The Bandhaini View

This marshy meadow is the origin of River Damnar. One can have the clear view of Bandhaini hillock from here. Sprawling meadow with water overflowing over the stop dam almost throughout the year harbours many Vultures & herds of Chital, Sambar and Wild Pigs.

Sehra: The Fort View

This is the biggest meadow of the Reserve. In the month of June breeding pair of Saras Crane can be seen in and around this meadow. It harbours the insectivore plant Drosera. One captures the majestic view of Bandhavgarh hillock from here.

Mahaman Pond: Place to Quench the Thirst

This waterhole surrounded by dense bamboo clumps is an ideal place to watch variety of herbivores and as well as some carnivores.

Charger Point: In Memory of Charger

“Charger” the beloved male tiger of Bandhavgarh, dominated the tourism zone for a decade. He died on 29th September 2000 and rests here in peace.

Bamera Dam

A scenic place in Panpatha Sanctuary, 12 km. from Tala. It is a place to watch variety of birds.

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