Ongoing Research Activities at Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve
- All India Tiger Estimation-2022

- Livestock Immunisation Program in and around Bandhavgarh Tiger reserve (Will give Photo)
Livestock from the villages of Core and buffer ranges of Bandhavgarh tiger reserve are getting vaccinated with the help of GauSevak and WCT Mumbai against Foot & Mouth, Haemorrhagicsepticaemia and BQ diseases.

- What determines conflict risk? Assessing the role of individual carnivores, wild prey and livestock densities in shaping livestock depredation patterns in Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh.
- Assessment of physiological stress and reproductive potential of tiger populations with reference to anthropogenic disturbances including tourism in selective tiger reserves
Biodiversity Training Centre(BTC):
In 1980, Biodiversity Training Centre (BTC) was inaugurated at Tala.
It was brought into existence for imparting 6 months training on Wildlife & Biodiversity Conservation to forest employees at Forest Guard level and to orient the front-line staff to wildlife management by conducting short-term courses.
At present 6 days Refresher coursesare being organized for Forest Guards, Foresters, Deputy Rangers and Range Officers. Two training sessions are being organized in the first and last week of every month with maximum capacity of 30 in each session.
Education and Awareness programs for Children:
Awareness programs for School students to educate them about the importance of environment and forests are being regularly conducted by Management of BTR, many times in association with NGO(s) who are working in this sector.
Most of the children either live in cities or urban areas; where they hardly have any kind of connection with natural surroundings. Therefore, such programs aim to engage and inform students in the primary stage about the integral needs of local wildlife from an ecological perspective and make them aware about the future conditions. Every year students of more than 15 schools and colleges visits BTR who are allowed to enter the park under exempted fee.
Interpretation Centre:
An Interpretation Centre has been built in the Range Compound in TALA, in which interactive interpretive programme on Bandhavgarhdeveloped by CoEE, Ahmedabad are regularly conducted. Some of the other interpretive materials at the centre are:
- Exhibits on Tigers and other animals
- Kiosks with touch screens on Tigers
- Wall mounted panels on Tigers, Eco-tourism and Bandhavgarh Stories
- Diorama on bird eye view of Bandhavgarh Fort
- Archeological & Protected Area related wall panels and exhibits
- Six panels on Conservation Issues
- Various panels on Birds, Butterflies, Insects, Plants etc.
Wildlife Week Celebration:
Wildlife week celebrations are conducted every year in which the target group are the students of the various schools in and around the park area which helps the children to get connected with the environment and understand its importance. The Park Management takes up the following activities during the wildlife week:
- Essay, drawing, quiz competitions.
- Holding of exhibitions at range headquarters.
- Wildlife film shows at villages.
- Distribution of stickers/ posters/ brochures to schools.
- Rewards to the winners of the above competitions.
Similarly, other important days like the World Wildlife Day, World Tiger Day etc are also celebrated with same objectives in mind.